Frequently Asked Questions
What are the visiting hours?
We encourage loved ones to visit patients and we make every effort to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our patients and visitors. While receiving care, patients have the right to decide who may or may not visit, and those visitors are allowed without regard to race, color, national origin, language, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or socioeconomic status.
Our staff and caregivers understand the important role that visitors and support persons play and every effort is made to ensure that our patients’ support person is embraced as a valued member of the care team.
- To safeguard the comfort of all our patients, visitors are asked to talk quietly and leave promptly when visiting hours have ended.
- The visiting times and/or the number of visitors may be limited in certain circumstances – and vary unit by unit – to protect the health, safety, and privacy of our patients.
- If visitors are not feeling well or have an illness that can be transferred to our patients, please refrain from visiting.
- Visitors must follow infection control precautions, keep noise to a minimum, refrain from taking photographs or videos, and comply with restrictions on smoking, alcohol and illegal substances.
- Before entering and after leaving your loved one’s room, make sure to wash your hands.
- All children must be in the company of a responsible adult and may not be left unattended.
We understand the importance of support from family and friends during the healing process. To ensure the comfort and privacy of all patients, visitors are welcome until 8:30 p.m. Some units may have special visiting guidelines based on the patients’ needs.
Visitors entering the hospital after 8:30 p.m., should use the Emergency Department entrance and check in with Security.
When is the cafeteria open?
Breakfast: 6:30-9 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.
You may order room service daily, any time from 6:45 a.m.-6:45 p.m. Visitors may also order room service, paying when it is delivered to the patient’s room.
To place a meal order, call 816-943-2233.
How can I find a doctor and the service they provide?
For a physician referral, call 816-228-3335.
How can I request a chaplain?
Our chaplains visit patients daily and are available at any time. They provide spiritually-centered holistic care to all regardless of their faith. To have a chaplain paged, dial “0” for the medical center operator or ask your nurse.
Mass is celebrated Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 a.m., and Sunday at 8 a.m., in the chapel located in the Atrium across from the Information Desk. Our chapel is open 24/7 for quiet contemplation and all are welcome.
Do you have a notary public?
For a notary public at St. Mary’s, call the Spiritual Care department
at 816-655-5490, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Do you have bilingual support?
Your nursing supervisor or case manager will arrange for an interpreter to come to the medical center. We work with certified interpreters from outside agencies that are regulated by various state commissions. Agencies require that interpreters sign a statement of ethical and medical confidentiality.
In emergency situations, qualified clinical staff may be called upon to serve as interpreters, until a certified interpreter arrives.
What transportation options do I have? (taxis and busses)
The Kansas City Metro makes regular stops at St. Mary’s. For information on bus schedules, call the KCTA at 816-221-0660.
Is there a TDD phone available?
We offer amplified headsets and telecommunication devices to our hearing impaired patients. We also offer interpreters for non-speaking deaf patients. We work with certified interpreters from outside agencies regulated by state commissions. Agencies require employees to sign a statement of ethical and medical confidentiality.
In emergency situations, until the arrival of an outside interpreter, friends or family members may be called upon for assistance, but this is otherwise strongly discouraged.
What are the gift shop and flower shop hours?
The gift shop is located on the first floor, next to the elevator to patients’ rooms and across the hall from the Surgery Waiting Room. The gift shop is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. For more information or to order flowers, please call 816-655-5604 or 816-655-5362.