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ER Wait Time: 16 minutes | If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.


Visitation Policy

St. Mary’s Medical Center has recently updated its visitor guidelines in compliance with Missouri’s recently passed Compassionate Care Visitation Act as well as the Essential Caregiver Program Act. These acts ensure that patients at health care facilities including hospitals, hospice, or long-term care facilities are allowed an in-person visitor during visiting hours. Below is helpful information to help you understand the guidelines at our facility:

  • Visitors may exit and re-enter at any time throughout our visiting hours.
  • All visitors will be asked to wear a mask while in the hospital.
  • Visitors for patients with confirmed or suspected infectious and contagious disease may be asked to wear a medical-grade mask, eye protection, gown, and gloves in patient rooms.
  • Unless approved for special circumstances, visitors should be limited to two at time per room.

What is the Normal Visitor Hour Process?

  • Visitor Hours are between 5:30am and 8:30pm daily
  • Visitation is restricted to adults over the age of 16 unless special permission is given
  • Inpatient Visitors should enter through the main entrance Monday-Friday until 5:30pm. After hours and weekend access to the hospital is through the Emergency Department entrance.
  • 24-hour visitation access can be permitted when necessary and appropriate

What if the State of Missouri is in a declared State of Emergency for an infectious, contagious disease?

  • Each patient will be able to designate 2 Essential Caregivers to retain visitor access to the patient a minimum of 4 hours per day per patient.
  • Each Essential Caregiver may exit and re-enter at any time throughout our visiting hours.
  • Any restriction placed on an Essential Caregiver will be reviewed at a minimum of every 7 days.

Visitors should not come to the hospital if:

  • You have or have recently had a fever of 100.4 or greater
  • Any recent signs or symptoms of a respiratory illness such as shortness of air, cough, or chills
  • You have had a headache of unknown origin, loss of taste or smell
  • You or someone you have been around has tested positive for COVID-19

Thank you for your support!